On the 20th February 2021, Fata has successfully completed the Performance Tests for the “ALBA Port Capacity Upgrade” project. The new facilities enable the customer, Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C.. (ALBA) to receive and store the increased quantities of alumina and CPC (calcined petroleum coke), principal raw materials for the production of primary aluminium. This increase has been necessary to feed the new Line 6, now in full production, which has almost doubled ALBA’s aluminium production capacity.
The upgrade of the port facilities performed by Fata on an EPC basis, comprises on-shore as well as off-shore (marine) facilities. With the achievement of this important milestone only the Final Acceptance Certificate to be issued at the end of the Defect Liability Period is still outstanding.
The success of the ALBA Port Capacity Upgrade project reinforces Fata’s presence in the strategic Gulf area and will no doubt serve to win future tenders in the country.

Fata Top Management visiting the Alba headquarters, in the presence of the Alba Top Management