We believe that reliable and stable power generation is the key driver for sustainable economic growth of each Country in the World. Whether located in mature or growing markets, FATA is committed to engineering conventional generation plants by applying the most efficiency technology in order to optimize the usage of natural resources.
FATA has proven experience in providing Engineering,
Procurement and Construction services in:
Location: KwaDukuza Municipality, South Africa
Client: Engie, Mitsui
Role: Main Contractor in Consortium with Ansaldo Energia
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key for BOP (Consortium with Ansaldo Energia)
Main Eq.: n°4 GTs AE 94.2 (designed to be converted in Combined Cycle)
Location: Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Client: Engie, Mitsui
Role: Main Contractor in Consortium with Ansaldo Energia
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key for BOP (Consortium with Ansaldo Energia)
Main Eq.: n°2 GTs AE 94.2 (designed to be converted in Combined Cycle)
FATA has recently expanded its EPC portfolio to energy infrastructure as the HVDC links, typically used for connecting two asynchronous, non-embedded AC systems and for long-distance bulk power transmission using both overhead land lines and submarine cables. These mega infrastructures fall within the energy transition objectives set by the National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate (PNIEC), will contribute to achieving the phase-out goal from coal by increasing transport capacity, enhancing the security, adequacy and flexibility of the national electricity transmission grid and promoting the integration of the domestic market and renewable sources. Fata SpA therefore confirms itself as one of the most important Italian companies in the energy and plant engineering sector, as well as a reference player in supporting the ecological and energy transition underway in our country.
Location: Italy
Client: Terna SpA
Role: Main Contractor in Consortium with SIEMENS AG
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum for detailed design, procurement, delivery, construction, installation and commissioning for all civil works, electromechanical erection, Technological BoP systems and auxiliary systems for all the equipment provided by Siemens in the 4 Converter Stations
Location: Italy
Client: Terna SpA in Consortium with SIEMENS AG
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum for detailed design, procurement, delivery, construction, installation and commissioning for all civil works, electromechanical erection, Technological BoP systems and auxiliary systems for all the equipment provided by Siemens in the 4 Converter Stations
Solar and Wind are driving a significant clean energy revolution in today’s world. Renewable power is a booming sector that brings the benefit of lower emissions of carbon and other types of pollution, thus helping to fight climate change.
In the last years we have matured a strong know-how in Green Power Generation, with special focus on Concentrating Solar Power Plants and in so doing have gained a leading position in such technology.
The Concentrating Solar Power Plant is a renewable technology producing electricity from solar power. The first mention of the use of concentrating solar power derives from ancient Greece in Sicily (Italy), where Archimedes in 214-212 BC, used bronze shields to concentrate the sun’s rays onto invading Roman ships which, according to the myth, caught fire. The first documented use of concentrating solar power technology was in 1866, where Augustin Mouchot used parabolic troughs to heat water and produce steam to run the first solar steam engine.
The first operational concentrating solar power plant was built in Sant’Ilario, Italy in 1968 by Professor Giovanni Francia. This plant has architectural similarities to modern plants with its central receiver surrounded by a field of solar collectors. After more than 2,200 years Fata is building CSP Plants in Sicily, where the myth of concentrating the sun’s rays was born. The Concentrating Solar Plant consists essentially of special mirrors, that reflect and concentrate sunlight onto a “receiver”. The receiver heats a solution of Molten Salts, up to about 550°C, which are fed to a Steam Generator to produce superheated steam, used in a Steam Turbine to produce electricity.
The advantage of this technology is the possibility to continue the production of electrical energy for up to 24 hours during the night or in absence of sunlight, making use of the hot salts accumulated in the special thermal energy storage (TES) facility. Moreover a combination plant configuration consisting in CSP technology and classical PV (photovoltaic) technology increases the overall efficiency, optimizing the energy production and self-consumption, and improving the capability of supplying energy continuously. This scalable source of energy can be used in the following fields of applications:
The linear mirror collector technology stores the sun’s energy as high-temperature heat to be converted to steam when needed. The steam produced can be fed to a Steam Turbine to produce electrical energy or used directly as thermal energy. Sunlight is concentrated through linear collectors where parallel rows of flat-glass mirrors reflect direct solar radiation onto a fixed-position receiver unit. The receiver uses vacuum absorber tubes wherein molten salt is pumped and heated to 550°C. The molten salts, heated by the daytime solar energy, are stored in a Thermal Energy Storage system.
The hot molten salt is used in a Salt/Water Heat Exchanger to convert the collected heat into steam. The total amount of stored energy can be dispatched on a day-ahead basis to match the Customers’ steam demand curve. The HP steam superheated up to 540°C, is capable of satisfy in the whole range of steam applications.
Green Hydrogen is essential to achieve decarbonisation goals, FATA, thanks to the know-how end experience gained in the design and construction of complex industrial and power plants, is acting as a reliable player in the role of EPC Contractor , selecting the best solutions available on the market and integrating the different technologies involved in the green hydrogen projects : renewable energy generation, hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, blending station, refuelling, grid interconnection and control energy management system in optimize plant operation and production costs.

FATA has successfully executed several EPC Projects for aluminium smelters and turn-key rolling mills. Thanks to this experience and to strategic alliances with technology licensors and providers, FATA is the ideal partner in executing EPC Metal & such as:
In 2018 FATA signed a strategic Cooperation Agreement with Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), one of the main primary aluminium producers in the world and the leading Reduction Technology Licensor.
The purpose of the agreement is to cooperate on the development of Aluminium Smelter Projects, combining the state of the art, reliable and energy efficient technology for reduction cells from EGA with FATA’s capabilities in delivering aluminium smelters on an EPC basis.
OARC – Aluminium Rolling Mill 140,000 t/y Sheet Products
Location: Sohar, Oman
Client: Oman Aluminium Rolling Co.
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key forwhole plant
Main Eq.: Melting & holding furnaces, Continuous caster, Hot & Cold Rolling Mill, Coil Annealing furnaces, Tension Leveling Line, Slitting Line, Metal treatment equipment, Cooling water plant
QATALUM – Casthouse 625.000 t/y of Extrusion Billets & Alloy Ingots
Location: Mesaieed, Qatar
Client: Qatalum
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key forwhole plant
Main Eq.: n°11 Furnaces, n°2 VDC Casting lines, n°3 Ingot casting lines, Batch and continuous homogenizing lines, Metal treatment equipment, Metal fluxing stations, Tapping vehicles, Crucible cleaning, Cooling water plant
QATALUM – Anode Bake Furnace 330.000 t/y of Baked Anodes
Location: Mesaieed, Qatar
Client: Qatalum
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC LSTK forwhole plant
Main Eq.: Baking Furnace A&B with 116 section & 7 fires, n°4Furnace tending assemblies, Fume treatment plant, Green & baked anode storages, n°2Automatic anode cranes, Anode conveying system, Slot cutting machines
HORMOZAL – Complete Aluminium Smelter 147.000 t/y
Location: Bandar Abbas, Iran
Client: Hormozal Aluminium
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC LSTK forwhole plant
Main Eq.: n°1 Potline of 228 pots (EGA Technology), HV Substation, Alumina Storage and Pot feeding, n°2 Gas treatments, n°7 PTM Cranes, Pot dig out and repair facility, Anode Baking Plant, Casthouse expansion, MV/LV Power distribution and Utilities
SAYANAL – Aluminium Rolling Mill 44.000 t/y of Sheet & Foil Products
Location: Sayanagorsk, Russia
Client: Sayanal
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key for whole plant
Main Eq.: n°3 Melting and holding furnaces, n°3 Continuous casting lines, Metal treatment equipment, Cold Rolling Mill, Roughing Mill, Intermediate Mill, Universal Mill, Finishing Mill, Coil and Foil Annealing furnaces, Doubling machine
ALBA – Port Capacity Upgrade
Location: Sitrah, Baharain
Client: Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key
Main Eq.: Jetty extension works, construction of new silos, new material handling facilities, upgrade of existing equipment for additional alumina and coke handling capacity
GULF CHLORINE – Chlor Alkali Plant
Location: Mesaieed, Qatar
Client: Gulf Chlorine Co.
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key for whole plant
Main Eq.: Process & Utilities Plants for 70 MTPD caustic soda as 50% lye or as solid flakes, n° 2 of 35 MTPD of 32,5% hydrochloric acid, Hydrogen generators to minimize the production of sodium hypochlorite
UNION CHLORINE – Chlor Alkali Plant
Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE
Client: Union Chlorine Co.
Role: Main Contractor
Scope of Supply: EPC Lump Sum Turn-key for whole plant
Main Eq.: Process & Utilities Plants for 70 MTPD caustic soda as 50% lye, 45 MTPD caustic soda as solid flakes, n°2 of 35 MTPD of 32,5% hydrochloric acid, 7 MTPD sodium hypochlorite